Stop Apologizing For Being Yourself

I’m meeting a friend for dinner at her house tonight and she suggested we have shrimp and salad for dinner. I don’t care for shrimp and it’s not one of those things I kind of don’t like. I REALLY don’t like shrimp and most seafood. I let her know that and the next thought was to apologize.

I’ve done enough work to know that I do not need to apologize for not liking shrimp or any other food but the thought still invaded my mind.

Of course we all have areas in our lives with room to learn, grow and expand (learning to like shrimp does not have to be one of them) but we need to be careful about abandoning, disowning or shaming ourselves in the process or apologizing for things that we shouldn’t apologize for.

It is ok to not like shrimp or any other food. It is ok to decline invitations. It is ok to not drink alcohol. It’s ok to limit the amount of time you spend with someone. It’s ok to stay home on Friday night and recharge your battery. It’s ok to say no to doing volunteer work when you are maxed out. It’s ok to go to bed at 9pm every night because it helps you be a better person.

And to not apologize for any of it!

I’m all about radical self responsibility and owning our mistakes or when we unintentionally (or intentionally) hurt someone. Impact vs Intention. Definitely apologize in those cases.

But pay attention the next time you apologize. Was it for being yourself? If so, make a conscious decision not to next time.

From the Heart.