Messages From the Blue DragonFly

I didn’t get any direct messages while I was at the pond today but I got a few indirect ones that I really needed to hear.

There were 2 blue dragonflies that stayed close by the entire time I was a the pond. I learned from this site

that “blue is the color of faith, trust, and belief. A blue dragonfly signifies the trust you need to have in yourself to go through life’s most challenging situations.”

There was also a pretty big frog sitting on a rock in front of me who also stayed the entire time I was there. I pulled the following info from this site…/
“Seeing a frog can mean the individual who saw it is in a state of transition. The frog is trying to inform you that any cause for concern about your future prospects, including our plans and career, is unfounded. There will be great transformation in your life, whether a spiritual one or one about your relationships, especially if it requires a rebirth.

Both of these messages came at the perfect time.

I’m in the process of rebirthing my business after a multi-year gestation period. I’ll be announcing the launch date soon.

The rebirth includes multiple training courses and programs designed to support impact-driven female entrepreneurs MINDFULLY expand their business beyond 6-figures, in the most comprehensive way possible.
These courses and programs are a culmination of my 30 years of experience in the startup and entrepreneur world and the wisdom I have gained after 52 years on this earth.

I can’t wait to share them with you!

From the Heart.