What I was reflecting on today was a lesson I learned many years ago from Dr. DeMartini’s Values Factor teachings.
It’s been a while since I’ve shared a Message from the Pond.
It’s because I haven’t made time for my pond visits in a while, which tells me I am out of alignment.
One of the main ways I know when I am IN alignment is when I make time for my daily walk around the pond to process the events of my day, decompress and reflect.
It’s just an excuse for me to say I haven’t had time. The truth is, I haven’t made the time. I let life get in the way
But today I made the time and it felt SO good! You can tell by the look on my face in this picture.
What I was reflecting on today was a lesson I learned many years ago from Dr. DeMartini’s Values Factor teachings.
Dr. DeMartini says that you prioritize and make time for things that are important to you, which makes sense. What’s interesting is, if you made a list of the things that are the most important to you and then made a list of where you actually spend most of your time, they most likely would not match up. For example, someone might say “family” is the most important thing to them but when they look at where they actually spend most of their time, something else, not family is at the top of the list. Now, you might say work is probably at the top but is family even #2? Oftentimes, it’s further down on the list than they would expect.
I was trying to reconcile that belief when I was at the pond today. I would say being in nature and especially being at the pond is very high on my list of priorities. It is one of the main sources of self-care for me. So, why has it been so long since I’ve been there? I love being at the pond! I could come up with a list of reasons (excuses) but that wouldn’t serve me.
I need to spend some more time reflecting on what’s underneath. I’ll share it with you once I do.
In the meantime, what’s at the top of your list that you haven’t made time for lately? Can you make time for it today?
You have expanded beyond Solopreneurship. Your client base and revenue are growing and you are finding it challenging to keep up with the demands of your business and stay focused on marketing, sales and client retention. Community support continues to be a big component of your success and having an assistant now is a must if you value your success and your sanity. You should not be trying to do everything yourself anymore. Once you onboard your VA, it’s a good idea to ensure the systems & tools you implemented as a Solopreneur support team collaboration. And documenting all of your processes and procedures should be one of your VA’s top roles & responsibilities. You should be running your business like a “real” business now.